Friday, May 20, 2011

Two years??? Just read my last post and it was in August of 2009 which was the year I was going to post something every day in honor of my 60th year. Guess that didn't happen! And, because I haven't posted in two years, no one is going to read this. Must decide whether to keep posting or close it down. file:///Users/Cathi/Desktop/GrimyHands-1.jpg

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One month

One month ago today I turned 60. I don't really think about it, but someone asked me today how old I was and when I said, "60," I realized that I had been that age for exactly one month. Had dinner tonight with two, long time friends and a new friend. Good laughs, and some tears as recent deaths of friends and family from cancer are with all of us.

I am already behind in my vow to post a picture a day. How do people do it? There are so many things to cram into a day that getting to the blog post is low on the list some days.

This picture is from a garden we toured last week. Dinner plate sized hibiscus which is hardy in our climate. The plant was amazing!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can he get any cuter?

How does one get any cuter at this age? Each day seems to bring a brighter smile, more attention to movement, and grabbing your finger (and hair) with a tight grip! No pictures of E & Grammie outside, but fussiness goes away when I walk outside with him. My kind of guy!


Klay and Emmett

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Time for another E photo. This photo is from three weeks ago. He is probably shaving by now! We haven't seen him for almost two weeks as he and his mom took off for Orcas Island to celebrate Holly's birthday two weekends ago and we were there last weekend. A visit this weekend is planned so that we can play catch up.


Monday, August 03, 2009

Seattle, Spo-de-caan

Traveled across the state to Seattle this past weekend. We are familiar enough with the Seattle area that we didn't use our GPS until it was time to go from our hotel in Renton to Holly & Matt's house and we turned it on so that we would take the most direct route. Just want to say that without the GPS we would have still gotten there!

Interestingly, the exit on I-5 northbound to H&M's is a dual exit which also serves to enter I-90 eastbound for Spokane. Only, in her fine British accent, the voice on the GPS kept pronouncing Spokane as Spo-de-caan. We laughed every time!

We went over to help with some sprucing up of the front yard and deck in preparation for the wedding party weekend at the end of the month. When we arrived, though, H&M tossed out the possibility of helping them paint their dining room red. We declined, nicely I hope! Just wasn't in our mindset to paint in Seattle in 90 degree heat.

Planting, weeding, pruning in 90 degree heat was enough! Although, my kind of fun! The results look great and I hope the plants settle in and bloom beautifully through the party weekend.

The final look

Finished planting

Porch planting

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seattle and Lavender

We are heading over to Seattle in the morning. Given the record high temperatures over there this week (103, all time high) we have asked ourselves, "why?" We are going because Holly & I have birthdays to celebrate and their house needs a tender gardening touch with colorful containers so that it will show off well during the August wedding party weekend. Off we go!

The lavender is about done blooming and starting to look a bit brown, so thought I would post a picture of it taken about a month ago in all its glory.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wind in the grass

The wind is very gusty outside right now. Just came in from watering the pots in the front and it felt like it was coming at me from several different directions. The news says that there are very severe thunderstorms, tornado warnings and flash floods in the region. Should be interesting overnight. Right now these grasses are whipping around like crazy.

Salvia and grasses